104, rue Vercingétorix
Bakery design “Le Moulin De La Vierge”
Boulangerie “Le Moulin de la Vierge" frontage
Band sign Boulangerie “Le Moulin de la Vierge”
Letters on window Panels painted decorations
Frontage decorations , bakery " Le Moulin de la Vierge in Paris, 104, rueVercingetorix were created by Lucien HELLE in collaboration with Basile Kamir in 1979. Lucien HELLE decorates other bakeries avenue de Suffren, rue Daguerre, rue Cambronne, rue Lévis, rue de l'Etoile and rue Saint Dominique. The letters, fixed under glass, are made with 24 carats gold leaf. The ornaments on the panels decorations and the letters on the windows also. The traditional realization is inspired by the famous twentieth century decorations of " Ateliers Benoist et fils "
Creation of decorating panels - decoration - gold sheet on glass - eglomized glass Shops and stores design - gilding - signs - traditional workmanship realization
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