Car and shop “Chaudières Pinot” = Boilers Pinot
Decorations of the film “Mister Batignole”
Shop assembly for the film
Butchery frontage of “Mister Batignole”
Car of the film
The band sign , the letters on window and the decoration panel in the shop are Lucien HELLE creation. The outside and inside panels of the shop were created for the film "Mr Batignole". The action on the first part of the film, by Gerard Jugnot, took place on Sivel street, Paris. The letters on window are made with free gold leaves 24 carats. The signs and the two panels decorations are made with Old Gold.
Creation of decorating panels - decoration - gold sheet on glass - eglomized glass Shops and stores design - gilding - signs - traditional workmanship realization
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